Monday, March 29, 2010

Cover Page for Portfolio

This quote has stuck with me for my whole uni career and I believe it is so true. It has a warming feeling when you read it and only like-minded people will totally understand the meaning.

The work below is my whole portfolio. Click on the images to read the information about the ad if you want to find out more.

Major Project - Kiwispace Print ad

Major Project - Kiwispace Ruler

Postcards all the way from NZ

Major Project - Heaters in winter

Peeping Tom statistic direct mail piece

New Zealand Army

Ralph Hotere Published Book

Timberland magazine spread

This is a magazine double page spread we had as a brief in art direction. We were assigned all the images and text and our job was to figue the layout that best compliments the brand as well as the ad being legible.


This is my strategy campaign where I was Runner up in the Student Marketeer of the Year 2008 and a Finalist at the Nexus RSVP Awards.


• Brilliant use of personalised DM and tie-in with the Warriors brand. Highly original.
• Well done – some really unique concepts here!
• Love the book bag and certificates as rewards. Love the demonstration of what its like not to be able to read – so powerful and compelling. The postcards are a simple but effective way of keeping the communication flowing.
• Some great original ideas – love the ambient and DM piece. This has the ability to be executed into an award winning campaign. Well done!
• Love the book bag editorial and the DM piece with the die cut reading.

Rugby League Reads part 1

Rugby League Reads part 2

Rugby League Reads part 3

Rugby League Reads part 4

Rugby League Reads part 5

Foxton Fizz print ad

Foxton Fizz is a soft drink brand that is sticking to its roots and keeping it one of the last Kiwi-owned company. They want to express that they're an individual brand and releasing the launch that they are now selling in Wholly Pizzas stores in Palmy and Wellington.

Anthony Hore Direct Mail piece

This is a direct mail teaser piece that will be hypothetically send to a Graphic Deisgn firm in London that Anthony Hore wants to work at.

FedEx magazine ad

FedEx ad for SMEs in New Zealand sending packages overseas with the universally known delivery company.

The next few posts are going to be of my work. These are actual pages of my portfolio so you can get a glimpse of what you may be hiring.  This work is my best work to date - but I still have so much learning to go.
I can't dedicate this blog to just work I have seen - I have to prove myself and show that I am on the learning track to being one of these award winning people that the industry goes on about.

Firstly - Sandblasted glass mugs

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A few lookers (cont.)

This concept isn't new but the message comes across strong and clear. Which, is what advertising is all about. It creates an impact that is hard to get out of your head and will probably tell people about. As long as people know what the message or product is then it's successful.

Ok, I found this intriguing. Personally I have never heard of parking heaters but I guess in good old NZ we don't really need to know about them. The concept is a bit too easy (if I was living in a place where it snowed every day of Winter) as it's like putting two and two together but as an individual that never knew that parking heaters existed I thought it was quite clever.

Another simple yet very effective piece of advertising. The art driection of this ad is, what I think, fantastic and works so well that without reading the information knew it was something about a really tall skyscraper. Using a pigeon can be cliche but the way they have created that twist makes the ad work so well I think it's one of my recent favourites.

Oh now this is clever!!! Salvation Army have created an AdShell campaign where you can slot a coin in the hole and it show us as part of the building blocks to create the 'base of the bed' for the homeless child. The technicalities are very clever and although this kind of idea has been done before - I haven't seen it done as well as this. Not only is it part of an awareness campaign it has also turned into a donation box and people can personally see the difference they are making then and there.

A few lookers

So, I have dedicated today to my blog - as I've cleaned the house, taken the dog for a walk, checked my emails and everything else I can think of that needs doing. These are some print and ambient ads that I have found through searching the web recently that I like, dislike and question.

Not everything has to be ridicuously art directed with amazing photography, gorgeous backdrops and a catchy line to make an ad successful. This ad has been one of my favourites for a while - just because of it's simplicity. It reminds me that I don't have to make an ad complicated for it to work - 'cut everything out that is redundant' is what my tutor always used to say.

Now this print ad I am a tad confused about. It is the exact opposite to the Tok & Stock print ad above and is exactly what I am talking about when it comes to complicating an ad. First of all who is it targeting? Children? Parents? You would think, with this aesthetic, it may be targeting children but they are not the ones that willingly brush their teeth - the parents normally have to reiterate the fact that they have to brush their teeth. And what is with the line - Healthy for Everyone. They can't think they can target 'everyone' can they? It just doesn't make sense.

Personally, I think this ad is pretty average, but what I do like about it is the aesthetic! Simple, effective, and not gender/age specific.

I think this is quite effective. I know King Kong has been used to death in advertisements after the blockbuster came out but this one is different. The image tells a story and using an internationally known movie compliments the success of the ad.

Heineken Italy Activation Milan AC Real Madrid prank

Again, I still have not figured out how to upload the video from youtube, but go to this link and watch this awesomely executed piece of advertising Heineken Itlay Activation Milan AC Real Madrid Prank.
I have showed it to so many people and they all absolutely love it. It's just so clever - mind you those girlfriends must have been doing a lot of ground work to get their men to that concert!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Gruen Transfer

I found this program sometime last year and was absolutely addicted to it! They have some very important points but it is so interesting to watch like-minded people that I can relate to talk about something that I am so very passionate about. If you haven't seen it before it's kind of like Rove for advertisers and so much more interesting!!

Can Advertising Influence the Way We Live Our Life?

Of course it can! Technology is ever changing and communicators have to keep up with this fact. As a creative on this side of the wall I have come into a paradigm shift where adverts have started to become more one-to-one advertising where the campaign/ad can target a like-minded audience rather than putting it out in society for all to see and target only a small amount of the required audience.

Yeah sure the mainstreams media works but there are forms of communication out there that can no only influence the way we live but also make us realise there is more to advertising that what many may know.

'The prevalence of advertising in modern, consumer driven, societies is strong and growing more all the time, with television, radio, the Internet, newspapers and magazines the most ubiquitous platforms. With advertising companies increasingly looking for new media and platforms on which to advertise: roller coasters such as the "Pepsi Max T Big One" and the "Playstation" at Blackpool's Pleasure Beach, and aspects of every commercialized sport currently played, from football jerseys right down to the helmets of motorcycle riders, this begs an important question: do advertisements merely influence consumers choice of the brand of product they will buy, or do they fundamentally influence the basic types of products consumers can choose, and even the consumer's lifestyle?'
....'The result of this is that many of the world's biggest brands are struggling, as they have resolutely failed to track and follow the lifestyle of their customers, and if they are making more and more noise, it is out of desperation. As they moved from merely validating products to encapsulating whole lifestyles, brands began to evolve a growing social dimension, and in the developed world, "They are seen by some to have expanded into the vacuum left by the decline of organised religion." (Economist, 2001) But this has made brands, and the multinationals that are increasingly identified with them, not more powerful, but more vulnerable, as consumers will tolerate a substandard product for far longer than they will tolerate a substandard lifestyle, or being associated with a brand that is viewed as substandard.'

Cited from

Monday, March 15, 2010


I'm not too sure how to post the actual footage of this ad on a blog (as I'm a newbie to this) but I've put up the link.
The ad itself has such merrit because if it's simplicity and effectiveness. well after making the book anyway. No wonder why it won an AotW gold award for film. Like my tutor would always say "less is best!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is the back of the packaging of the Kiwispace Ruler. It explains everything about the device - who it is for, what it is and how it is used.
The text may be a bit hard to read so it is copied below...

'Just like the one in Dad's shed, this ruler is the ultimate tool to claim back your personal space. It's not any Kiwi's cup of tea to be jam packed like sardines and getting a whiff of the guys armpit next to you, unless you have some weird fetish.
So, now in any occasion you can whip out your Kiwispace Ruler and releive that awkwardly close situation.
Because we're not greedy, we just like our space.'

The reason why I went with this aesthetic is because I wanted to portray that typical historic Kiwiana feel - many would think tacky and cheap but these are the origins of our heritage.
Imagine formica and pawashell ashtrays and pastel weatherboard houses.
It also works with the ruler itself - you don't want to know how long it took me to find an extendable wooden ruler - just like the one found in the back of Dad's shed. These are the rulers your Dad would use to measure that coffee table that is still sitting in your living room because he's so proud that he made it from scratch.

This is the oficial Kiwispace Ruler - it is extendable and one side has been sanded down so that I could manipulate it. The measurements start off with London being the shortest - as when in an awkward situation you can whip out the ruler and tell people to give the amount of personal space allocated to London citizens, which would be the equivalent of 10cm.
Then it jumps to Wellington then folded out it measures the personal space allocated for Aucklanders and the last measurement is Hokitika - Kiwis will know what I'm talking about.
This form of comparative advertising is more of a gimic rather than an actual device but the effect on Kiwi expats living in London will hopefully have an impact.

Direct Mail Piece for - Kiwispace Ruler and Packaging


This piece of direct mail is one part of my major project I presented for my Honours degree last year. It expresses comparative advertising through using the 'personal space' individuals get when living in London compared to living in New Zealand.

To encourage my target audience to return home to NZ after living and working in the UK I wanted to hit them (aged late 20 - early 30 year olds) as they are not set in their ways in regards to settling down in the UK - they are still in that frame of mind where they are over in London working, may have found the 'one' and are considering whether to settle down in the UK with the money or in NZ with our way of life.

Using this 'kiwispace' term I have encouraged the fact that in New Zealand you have your own personal space and people respect it compared to being packed in like sardines in the UK. This emotional pull has been used throughout my whole campaign and uses a humourous yet straight-to-the-point kiwi tone that only New Zealanders will understand

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's funny - I had my hand at this kind of tongue-and-cheek humour with my major project last year at uni. Even though I went down a different track this is an example of what I was trying to go for. In the end I made a campaign encouraging New Zealanders to return home.
By this I used that emotional pull most people have when living away from home and pulling those strings about home and what they're missing out on.
Most importantly - and tying my campaign and this campaign together I used that Kiwi humour and had that local tone this campaign has in it - one that only Kiwis can relate to... I'll post up an example of my work soon.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just one example of this awesome piece of advertising. Who knew this 'sibling rivalry' could get so interesting. This tongue-and-cheek type of advertising always seems to be a seller and when asked, everyone knows what I'm talking about - well Kiwis anyway.

Welcoming the Aussies

As I have just started this blog, the first piece of advertising that comes to mind is the print and TVC campaign about welcoming the Aussies to NZ. This piece of classic country rivalry between us and Aussie is for the NZ vs Australia cricket games around the country - I'm sure many of you have seen it before. And it is created by who else but DDB!!